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Our Motivation

At voilà we will build the leading Chef-to-Customer Platform, enabling everyone to experience the best chefs & restaurants at home - literally everywhere! 

We are keen to unlock the experience category in food delivery by enabling award-winning, taste-making, and trendsetting chefs to ship nationwide and leverage tech to foster an authentic culinary experience at home.

We envision a world where access to the finest, most innovative, and trendsetting culinary highlights is not limited to a certain place & city. On this way, we are backed by the best VCs in the food industry, such as FoodLabs and EQT Ventures, and well equipped with culinary know how by the best partner chefs & restaurants.

Life at Berlin, Rosenthaler Platz & voilà 

Simply said: We will get on this joirney to unlock the experience category in food delivery together and have a lot of fun.
Learning on each up & down, celebrating wins and help each other to kickstart after setbacks. We will work with the best in class as partners and we aim for serving them & the food lover community likewise performing to our very best each day.